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As a part of the artist roster for the upcoming Kennyswork x Instinctoy exhibition at Monster Taipei, South Korean artist 랔탱 rakTANG shows her take on Kennyswork x Instinctoy “Erosion Molly”. rakTANG colour palate all over Erosion Molly and adding her traits of rakTANG own character “Adult who cannot become adult forever”

스크린샷 2019-11-12 오전 6.33.56.png

We are running to become artists. They trip over their feet, take a completely different path from their starting point, or walk away without knowing where they are headed. There is no fixed end in this road. What is important is the fact that the road is being built. 


Only a matter of days before the first ever Art Vinyl HK opens its doors! More and more artists from the East are showing their official Nike Basketball art for Art Vinyl HK. South Korean artist rakTANG has shown the full turn around of her art piece. Inspired by Jordan 6 Sydney kicks and TEAM USA Olympics, her character takes on the role of a basketball player! not forgetting all that Air and kicks. All handmade and painted by rakTANG herself.

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